Peter Dowd, noted firearms expert, has been involved in EVERY ASPECT of the Firearms Industry for over forty years.
Over a four decade span he has owned and successfully operated large gun shops in Shrewsbury, Sturbridge, and Northborough Mass. His experience ranges from retail and wholesale sales, law enforcement sales and firearms storage. Prior to his retirement from the firearms storage business he had serviced approximately 200 Massachusetts police departments.
Peter Dowd holds State and Federal Firearms Licenses and is a member and a former Director of the Massachusetts Antique Arms Collectors Association. He is a life member of the National Rifle Association, and a life member of the Gun Owners Action League (G.O.A.L.). He is a past president of the Village Gun Shop, Inc. and the retired president of the Village Vault Firearms Storage Facility.
Mr. Dowd has conducted firearms appraisals for insurance agencies, local attorneys and for numerous estate and private collections.